Today I went to the Flea Market, and I learned some very important life lessons. Mostly how to get a good deal on anything.
You see when you want to buy something, the person at the booth always starts off with an outrageous price they'll hope you'll pay. You in turn must haggle them down to a cheaper price. I learned the best way to do that is the walk away method. You look a bit interested in something, you ask the price, and then kinda walk away. I got two people to lower prices for me that way. It's an awesome way to haggle without even really trying.
Speaking of the Flea Market, I got a Game Gear and two games, an Xbox game, three flash drives, a mouse, and several cords to things for only $40. I probably could've haggled things down more, but I didn't. Afterwards we went to Good Will, and I got several tank tops and shorts for only $3. I also got the dress I'm wearing in the photo above for $4. Good deal, considering it had the original price tag on it still. And originally it cost $36. Yeah I love good deals!
This summer I have several goals. Those goals are the following.
- Go to the beach
- Go camping
- Go to Sleeping Giant, hike to the top and have a picnic in the castle
- Go to Lake Compounce {An amusement park}
- Go Wine Tasting with Kim and her friends
- Go to Conneticon {An anime convention}

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